This has been something of a mystifying morning to me. Those of you who have followed my posts sinced I began this blog are aware I recently managed to land a part-time postion with Dominick's Deli department. Well, as recently as a month ago, anyway...
Things were going about as well as one could expect, from my point of view. The work was tiring, but not overly difficult. Most of my evening shifts were evenly split between servicing customers and cleaning. Occasionally, when things got exceptionally busy, my cleaning duties were left to last, but the customers always got my full & prompt attention.
Then, when I turned on my cell phone this morning I found a voice mail waiting for me from my Manager at Dominick's. I returned her call immediately and learned that "...it's just not working out..." and I shouldn't bother coming in for my Thursday evening shift.
In short, I was fired. A new experience for me - I'd never been fired from a position in my life before. I was somewhat taken aback, not having been given any indication my work efforts to date were less than expected. In fact, I had been under the impression I was doing very well.
Understandably confused, I asked her to clarify "Do you mean I no longer have a job?"
To which she replied "Exactly. Thanks for calling back and sorry it didn't work out." I then asked, still politely mind you, "Would you mind telling me why I'm fired?"
There was an awkward pause before she replied "...all I can say is it isn't working out..." Then she hung up.
Just that quickly my hopes that I might finally be on the right track to stopping the downward spiral my life's been taking were put to an end. For no better reason than "...it's not working out..."
I don't for one minute delude myself that I'm without fault here or that I didn't do something, if not wrong, at least not as right as I should have. Obviously something's wrong here, but I haven't a clue what.
I've made it a point to be on time, well groomed, and industrious in my duties. Customers always received my full & prompt, friendly attention. When I was unable to assist them, I asked for assistance - either from my co-workers or management.
"...it's just not working out..."
Now that's one hell of an epitaph, huh?
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