Thursday, October 30, 2008


So it says across the front of the trial summons delivered to me yesterday evening. I, and any “other unknown residents” have been named as Defendants in an action brought forward by my landlord who is seeking payment for the past two months’ rent.

I’ve not before seen a trial summons with my name attached as Defendant. It is a rather formidable looking document written, I am sure, with an eye to instilling a touch of awe and perhaps a bit of fear in those named as Defendants. While the document does not inspire any awe, fear is another matter…

Mother’s Day of 1984 it was when I moved into my home. That was 24-1/2 years ago. In that time I’ve been late with my rent a few times, have had to pay late fees on perhaps 12 occasions, but I’ve never ever NOT paid my rent. Until now…

While I am tempted to unleash a diatribe towards my landlord & their unthinking, uncaring actions in bringing forth this legal actions, I cannot find it in my heart to do so. Mostly because if I were in their place, I’d be doing the same thing. My rent IS past due and I have no means of raising the necessary monies to rectify the situation. The cause is just, if harsh, and not at all unexpected.

My situation is dire, but not completely hopeless. I’m almost certain that if I can raise the past due amount prior to the scheduled trial date, I may be able to negotiate and extension for November’s rent. I just don’t quite know how to manage that feat…

When Dominick’s let me go for reasons that remain unknown to myself, my sole source of “significant” income dried up. On the other hand, just this past Friday I landed a position with Office Team, a local temp agency. Six days later I am still awaiting my first assignment...

By my calculations I have 8 days remaining in which to raise my past due rent, negotiate an extension for November and basically put my life back together. If I fail, then in 11 days from now the Court will enter judgment against me, and sometime thereafter the Sheriff’s department will be along to put me out on the street…

So as not to end this missive on a completely sad & discouraging note, may I direct your attention to my title? That is a direct quote from the Trial Summons served on me yesterday evening. Ironically, that directive, like the remainder of the Summons, is written entirely in English…

Though it has turned bitter, the Harvest continues, my friends…

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