The election is over and America’s newest President elect is Chicago’s own hometown boy, Barak Obama. Our first ever President of color and the second youngest man to ever be elected to the highest office in the land. Change is definitely in the air, and it is high time…
I have no idea what form the changes President Elect Obama will take. I do know that whatever he plans & puts in effect will not materially effect my life in a timely enough fashion to be of any practical use to me.
I do have a few hopes, however. For example:
I hope that our President will strive to make some changes in the tax code that will encourage America’s business community to keep jobs here at home, where we need them so badly;
I would like to see some changes in how the various Assistance programs are operated. Yes, I know, they are administered at the State and not Federal level, but a surprising amount of the State run Assistance programs are funded with Federal funds having mandated usage guidelines attached to them;
There are other issues I’d like to see addressed/rectified, but the above are the two biggies that materially affect me the most.
In seven full months, I’ve managed to land 2-1/2 days’ work stuffing envelopes for a Northbrook based Temp Agency who never had any more assignments for me; I landed a very short-lived P/T position in Dominick’s Deli Department that I lost for reasons that still haven’t been explained to me; and I’ve landed on the rolls of a second temp agency two weeks ago, but have still not been given an assignment.
Come Monday I will be appearing in Court, where my landlord’s attorney will press his case for two months back rent. Try as I might, I was unable to raise the monies owed, so I have no defense. The Court will find for the Plaintiffs and an Eviction Notice will be issued. The only variable in question is how soon that Notice will be served…
Once the Sheriff’s Department officially serves that Notice, my hopes for recovery will be virtually shattered. I will no longer have access to bathing facilities, so will be unable to present a professional appearance to prospective employers. I will have a vastly limited wardrobe available that I will be unable to launder frequently enough. Food will become my number one priority followed swiftly by some kind of temporary shelter from Winter’s chilling elements…
I’m happy we have a new President Elect that is so universally popular across the land. I wish him nothing but good fortune in his efforts to cure the ills of our great nation. I hope he succeeds in his efforts, and in record time.
Unfortunately, change cannot begin until January when President Elect Obama is officially installed as the leader of our country. I wonder if I’ll still be breathing then…
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