A little more than two weeks have passed since I last posted to The Aluminum Harvest. I wish I could say the past couple weeks has been spent profitably at my new employment. I cannot – that would be a blatant lie.
I’m still waiting for my first assignment from Office Team – my so-called employers, the Temp Agency that recruited & hired me last month. So far I’ve used more than 60 minutes in cell phone time checking in with the various OT offices in the hopes that somebody had work for me. They don’t.
Now that I have less than 60 minutes left on my pre-paid cell phone, and under $15 in my pocket, it’s time to try a new approach. It occurs to me that bank robbery is something of a win-win possibility. If I get away clean I’m golden. And if I’m caught, well at least I don’t have to worry about room & board anymore..
I do have a bit of bright new to share with everyone. A very good friend of mine, Milt, has sponsored me to his Church’s Brotherhood Program for assistance, and the Church has accepted me. So what does that mean exactly?
A kind and good hearted friend* had loaned me $500 after hearing that I was being taken to Court for non-payment of my back rent. I was absolutely stunned at her offer, coming out of the clear blue sky as it did. In fact, I was reduced to tears and I’m not in the least ashamed to admit it. Still, that $500 loan was far short of the two month’s back rent I owed, not to mention that November’s rent was already past due…
Enter my friend Milt and the South Park Church of Park Ridge. Through their Brotherhood Program, the Church funded me with monies enough to not only pay my back rent, but enough to pay my current rent as well, with a bit left over for food.
I didn’t learn of this until the night before Court, however. When I appeared in Court I was able to tell the Judge I would have the funds to cover my indebtedness within the week. She granted me a week’s continuance which gave me time enough to cash the Church's check, purchase the necessary Money Orders & bring my account with the landlord current. Once I was current, the landlord agreed to have the case against me dismissed from the docket. Good news - I still have a home!
Milt tells me that the Church is not through with me, though. He’s making inquiries this week to get all the details, but as I understand it, the Church is also part of a network that offers job retraining and job placement. Assistance in obtaining food is possible, as well as some assistance in getting my utilities back on. That last will be especially welcome, you’ll recall I’ve been living without electric since June…
As of this writing, I do not know what my next step is in the program, but it is somewhat reassuring to know that there IS a next step, with hope on the horizon. And even more reassuring to know that there are groups and individuals willing to step up and offer a helping hand to those in dire need. I've had my doubts of late...
On a somewhat sadder note, and completely unrelated to my own situation, I’ve received two very frightening pieces of news this week that I wish to address.
The first is actually good news, but completely unexpected. My good friend Ashley, who I met through Model Mayhem, was released from the hospital following a week’s treatment for blood clots in both lungs and one leg. She is recovering at home with family around her to assist (and I’m sure driver he completely nuts) in her recuperation and her prognosis is excellent!
The frightening part is that I had no idea she’d been hospitalized to begin with. Let alone, that at 23 years of age, she was fighting for her life this past week. Blood clots are serious business, and her case could so easily have gone the other way... That realization would have added several more gray hairs to my beard, if I still had my beard, that is.
I've no idea whether Ashley is a reader of my blog or not, but I want to wish her well in her recovery, and to let her know how much her friendship has meant to me.
The second frightening piece of news I received just this afternoon involves another young lady I met through Model Mayhem. Jenny has only recently learned that she may have breast cancer. I say “may” because her initial screenings have proven inconclusive. Further testing by a specialist is now necessary to complete her diagnosis.
I do not know Jenny well. She and I are casual acquaintances with a “nodding hello" type friendship. I believe Jenny to be a strong and capable individual, well able to face whatever adversity may come along. The uncertainty of not knowing, however, is a trial all it's own, complete with it's own tortures.
As with Ashley, I have no idea whether Jenny is a reader of this blog or not. If so, Jenny, all my hopes & prayers are with you during this uncertain time. Be strong and be well...
So, I bring this post to a close, my friends. There is some small hope on the horizon for myself, but that hope has been – tainted, if you will – by recent events surrounding my friends’ health issues.
I guess that just goes to show that nothing in this life is ever all good or all bad. The Harvest continues...
Be well, my friends.
* I do not know whether my friend wishes her largess to be known, so for the moment I will keep her identity private.
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