Wednesday, August 27, 2008


...that's how much cash I have in my pocket as of this writing. Sadly, that sum represents my total net worth.

As of today I have submitted over 400 separate applications on-line. I have received perhaps 12 replies in response to those 400+ applications. None of the interviews from those 12 responses resulted in a job - in fact, 9 of those 12 positions were filled between the call scheduling my interview and the interview itself.

The remaining 3 positions may or may not still be available - though I've called back at the appointed time after our interviews. I've left voicemails that so far go unanswered...

I have a brand spanking new LINK card, courtesy of the State of Illinois' DHS office in Skokie. For those of you unfamiliar with the LINK card, it's essentially a debit card issued by the State for the purchase of food products only. Being a single male under the age of 65 with no dependents I qualify for $162 in food stamps. Not a huge amount, but a figure I can live with.

The problem here is that I cannot activate my LINK card. Springfield is having computer problems. I've called three times (for a total of 18 cell phone minutes) to activate my card, answered all the computer prompted questions thru the phone and actually manage to both enter & confirm my preferred PIN only to be told by the computer that they are unable to complete my request at this time, please call back later...

Once I do manage to get my LINK card activated, it will be an additional two business days before it will be funded. At the moment I have, count 'em, four hot dogs in my cooler, 5 pounds of Bisquick & a 20 year old can of Salmon in my cabinet. A veritable feast for the Gods...

My rent is due in five days. I've already sold my mother's silver to raise August's rent. I'm at a loss as to what I can sell now in the time left that will raise the necessary cash...

The last time he took me to lunch, a good friend told me that if I "keep doing the same thing I shouldn't be surprised at getting the same results." A mantra I took to heart a number of years ago and would desperately love to put into effect today. I'm just damned if I can figure out a way to apply it to my current situation...

It seems the majority of today's employers will only accept job applications via the inter-web... There is no personal contact anymore;

It seems the majority of today's employers think nothing of having applicants come in to interview for positions that are no longer available;

It seems my lot is hopeless. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can turn things around? Please share them with me. I don't bite. I haven't quite yet reverted to being feral...

Despair seems to be the order of the day...

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